Inma Paya


On September 19th, 2014, From the Bench sponsored the 5th edition of GameJam UA “Bits & Glue” event. The participants of this competition had to create a video game or table game in just 48 hours. 

The chosen theme, “A trip to the past” served to inspire the 15 games that came as a result of the competition and can be downloaded from the association’s official website

During the event, there were some talks about the video game industry by speakers as important as Miguel Angel Lozano, Chief of the University of Alicante Mobile Vision Research Laboratory or Rubén Martínez, Project Director at From the Bench.

Prize winners:

The team formed by Josué Candela, one of our Android developers at From the Bench, and Miriam Gutiérrez, won the first place prize for the second time, for the best game entitled, “ChronoBoy”.

In the board game category, the prize was awarded to “Contrabandistas Ju” of team Raincat, formed by Ramón Ginel, Barto Lozano, Almudena Payá and Inma Payá, our Quality Assurance Manager at From the Bench.

Details about the winning projects:

Chronoboy: A graphic adventure with a casual feel where you can travel through

many space storms to correct past or future events. Your actions

affect the other times and their inhabitants. It’s highlighted for being a game very different from what you can see in any GameJam event. Inspired by the classic adventures of “point & click”, it’s a simplified version for all ages.

If you want to enjoy it on your Android device, you can download it here:

Contrabandistas Ju: This is board game in which you’ll take on the role of a thief forced to travel through time to carry out a job you were hired for and collect valuable, scarce resources in the present.

You will have to compete with other thieves for the same resources, as well as many monsters from the past that will make it difficult for you to complete your tasks.

If you are interested, you can download the content of the game, as well as the detailed rules here:

Travel, search, steal, protect yourself, defeat your rivals… or someone else will do it before you!

We like to play!

Do you want to see how a winning game is created? Here you can see the creation process of “ChronoBoy” from beginning to end.

Inma Paya
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